Laguna Misses Another Opportunity


In April 2010 the Complete Streets Task Force identified sources of grant funding for building street infrastructure in Laguna Beach and delivered them to the City Council. Identifying funding is the fifth phase of a five-step program to implement Complete Streets policy. It identifies federal funding for civic projects such as bike-lanes, pedestrian zones and transit stops.

The Orange County Transit Authority just published this map to show the allocation of  $9.4 million in free grant money to cities in Orange County.  Notice Laguna Beach was allocated no money because city staff did not bother to prepare for grant qualification nor apply for funding. To qualify a municipality must have a Bicycle and Pedestrian Management Plan in-place, and an approved project for the grant allocation to apply. Laguna has neither.

OCTA is extending a hand to all municipalities around Orange County and can help us solve our transit problems. All we have to do is choose to participate. OCTA plans to knit together a bicycle network to serve all of Orange County.  “It would be like planning freeways on city borders,” County Supervisor Shawn Nelson said. “This seems to be a good way to get cities together. … Orange County will be a master-planned county for bicycle transit.”


Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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