Allow a Stress-free Semester Break



I would like to offer my perspective regarding the recently proposed 2019-2020 LBUSD calendar, not only as a local parent with children attending our schools, but as a prior student of TOW, Thurston and LBHS schools.

I have blissful memories of those final days of summer during Labor Day weekends and before each new school year was to begin. I savored the carefree feeling when my friends and I would enjoy the serenity of our “locals only” beaches in the absence of tourists and homework.

I now turn the page to the next chapter of my life as a parent of two high-school daughters and a son about to matriculate into middle school. I will explain why I now support the calendar as recently proposed…

The biggest change is the earlier start and end of the academic calendar year. The proposed calendar would allow for the semester transition to take place at the holiday break and would address the fundamental need for our kids to have a true reprieve without academic obligations.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this, especially at the secondary level. Today’s children have far more to juggle physically and mentally.  Current society’s expectations are taking a toll on our kids and they are exhausted. The ability to disconnect from academic responsibility between semesters would allow for our kids to completely decompress and rejuvenate for the second half of the year.

I am hoping fellow Laguna parents will put their personal agenda aside and credit the school district for considering a change for the benefit of our children’s academic, social and emotional well-being.

Please…let’s not lose our minds over this issue. I love this town and have always been proud of our tight-knit community. Recently, however, I have been disappointed and saddened by the behavior of some of the parents in our community. The personal attacks on our administrators and volunteer school board members is not acceptable.

A few years back the district proposed a similar calendar change; I felt side-swiped and was adamantly opposed.

The current administration has been inclusive, communicative and thoughtful in their actions and has made it clear that the calendar evaluation process has just begun, and that feedback is encouraged.

If individuals have additional insight, by all means, share it. Please do so, however, with respect for yourself and others. Our kids should learn by example how to voice their opinions appropriately.

Tammy Skenderian, Laguna Beach


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  1. “The biggest change is the earlier start and end of the academic calendar year. The proposed calendar would allow for the semester transition to take place at the holiday break and would address the fundamental need for our kids to have a true reprieve without academic obligations.” – Tammy Skenderian

    “A true reprieve.” Oh please. A recent study of college students reveals that they spend less than three hours a day on classroom attendance and study. That’s COLLEGE. Meanwhile illiteracy and mediocrity continue to increase, despite enormous increases in spending across the board.

    “The personal attacks on our administrators and volunteer school board members is not acceptable.” – Tammy

    So now administrators and school boards cannot be criticized, you say?

    I find such politically correct speech extremely offensive and inappropriate. It has no place in debates. We have been lectured to for DECADES by the *experts* and look where it has gotten us – declining performance at profoundly increased cost, in constant dollars. Our children deserve better than that.


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