

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Does the Wet Suit You

Winners and Losers Judge David Carter’s promise of 30 nights in a motel and a caseworker rings hollow, like the old promise of 40 acres...

Taking Stock

Fear Vs. Evidence, Growth Vs. Value As Mark Twain said about the weather in New England, if you don’t like the stock market now, just wait...

Pet Peeves

Fork in the Road I read Indy’s, “Pedestrian Plaza Moves Ahead” before my morning cup of coffee.  Big mistake. I was totally confused. I had...

Just for Laughs

  Read the Personals MOBILE-MART  My truck is loaded with good merchandise. I come to your neighborhood, you tell your neighbors about our sale. We have...

Wisdom Workout

One Step At a Time Goal setting is a staple of motivational success techniques. Come up with your five top goals. Be specific. Are they...

The Kibitzer

Underground Rainwater, Not Utility Poles Around this time last year, we were awash in wildflowers. Remember those carpets of yellow mustard and sunflowers, those blankets...

Guest column

Perfect Plaza on Wrong Street On Tuesday evening, last week, I was ensconced in the snooze fest at the Laguna Beach Council Chambers. I quickly...

Heart Talk

The First Amendment in Action Sometimes I fear I have only so many columns left in me that relate to living in Laguna. Often, like...

Finding Meaning

Celebrating Easter Remember the Easter traditions of your childhood? Boiling and dyeing eggs, finding the hidden basket you’ve had all your life, the Easter egg...

Pet Peeves

Relativity Generally, I am all for government transparency. Until now. The city council reviewed amendments to its accessory dwelling unit ordinance. The law aims to...

Just for Laughs

MUST SELL – Bounty Hunter metal detector, like brand new, top of the line.  It is too loud; when I take it in my...

Taking Stock

Quarter’s End This is the way the first quarter ended-not with a bang but a whimper. Despite a last minute rally, the Dow Jones Industrial...

Does the Wet Suit You

More Spending For Less As we approach tax season here are some results from a recent unscientific exploration of city budgets.  Those budgets fill hundreds...

Village Matters

Craving for Community: Park Plaza Taking action to improve our town is key to our heritage and essential to the character of Laguna. The “Laguna...

Guest column

Can Hate be Halted? From a young age we are taught to love and not to hate. The phrase has become common nowadays, but people...