

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Thrilla at the Grilla

Editor, I recently had a fowl and corny encounter at high noon with a policeman and lifeguard at a Main Beach park concrete chess table. I...

Skeptical of Measure CC

Editor, Vote NO on scam measure CC.   Here are a few questions for you. Why would you vote for an unfair flat tax on anything? A...

Laguna, the next nanny state?

Editor, With the latest proposed ordinance to empower the police to confiscate the skateboards of helmet-less riders of any age and require offending juveniles to...

Measure CC Proponent Speaks Out

Editor: Reasonable people can debate the merits of Measure CC, the open space initiative. But the LB Taxpayers Association has resorted to purposefully distorting what...

Lining Up Against Measure CC

Editor, The purpose of Measure CC is to provide funding for acquiring undeveloped open space within the city that is currently in private hands. Proponents of the...

Don’t Fall for Revisionist History

Dear Editor, Martha Lydick in her letter to the editor attempted to discredit me and the facts I put in my letter (“Taxpayers Refute Measure...

Preserving Today’s Vistas in the Future

Editor: Measure CC is on the ballot because concerned citizens took the initiative to devise a method of completing Laguna’s inner greenbelt despite the ending...

A Candidate in the Trenches

Editor: Prior to this election, I have been removed from active participation in local elections—other than studying the issues and candidates and casting my ballot. ...

Experience Counts

Editor, The election season is almost over and we can soon breathe a sigh of relief. It’s been a long, contentious struggle at all levels—national, state...

Commitment Wins Their Support

Editor, Bob Whalen, quite simply stated, is an outstanding candidate for city council.  He has demonstrated his commitment to Laguna Beach through his involvement with...

Singing a Garden’s Praises

Editor, I am a long-term Laguna resident and love this community for its physical beauty and its character of engagement. Currently I am chair of the...

Questioning Campaign Culture

  Editor, I am writing as a very concerned 45-year resident of this amazing special community. I have worked behind the scenes for so many years to...

Incumbent Receives Poor Marks

Editor, Bill Landsiedel should be expelled from the LBUSD school board for poor spelling on his website, not doing his homework before his video presentation,...

A Call for Change

Editor, I have not paid as much attention to local politics as I should have until recently when I became familiar with the proposed Social...

Remembering Bygone Merchants

Editor, After attending a most enjoyable evening of the “Lagunatics” show, one of the numbers “Down in Laguna,” listed about five long gone downtown businesses. My...