Civility on the Streets, Please



I am a 30-year Laguna Beach resident and would like to add to Leslie Cunningham’s (“Good Driving Reminers Needed,” Letters, June 19) from last week. I am in complete agreement with her assessment. The street I live on is like playing “driving pinball” avoiding the speeding cars in both directions and I am sure I am not alone in this feeling driving down my neighborhood street.

However more is going on here. The “new money” has been moving into Laguna Beach over the last decade– and with the purchase of multi-million dollar homes, and driving $100k cars there is a feeling of entitlement to many in our community. Hence, when a stop sign is reached, their turn always seems to be next regardless of whom was first. On narrow streets it is always the other car that stops as they pass without a raised hand of thanks, and they are always speeding as their time seems to be more valuable than yours. It is all about a balanced attitude and it is clear many in town have a “very privileged attitude” with a strong degree of self-importance and no regard for safety.

I would simply suggest everyone add a little humility into their driving habits and have more respect for the small streets in this town. Plus, there are many pedestrians and bicycles with many blind curves where an unhappy ending is easily around the next corner.

Slow down and a little courtesy goes a long way–


Hoyt Bacon, Laguna Beach

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