Letter: Can we leave this to the experts?


Mr. Hellewell uses his opinion column to state categorically, that Laguna Beach schools should open. “Opinion” pieces such as these add confusion and fuel impatience rather than support well-considered decision making, and community building.

Decision-making depends on comparing the multitude of challenges for both remote learning, and the health and safety concerns for in-person education delivery. Is it too much to wait until experts in their field have time to gather more information regarding present and future health effects, and effectiveness of safety measures?

Has Mr. Hellewell noted that families of school age children walking through the streets/beaches/parks of Laguna give no strong indication that their paramount concern is to lower the rate of infection and potential exposure so we can go back to school? I am ready, willing and anxious to get back in a classroom. I’d love to see evidence that students and their families are taking all steps to make that possible. Let’s take action as a community to move toward common goals, rather than voice opinions that feed discontent.

I am so very, very disappointed. 

Barbara Crowley, Laguna Beach

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  1. The experts have responded, in force. Prominent pediatricians have categorically stated that the closure of schools has had a very serious negative effect on children and that they should be reopened. Medical doctors of all specialties have stated that the panic is dramatically overstated. One doctor said she has treated 350 patients diagnosed with Covid19 up to age 92 and all of them survived with her protocol of three medications.
    An anesthesiologist demonstrates how useless masks are by blowing vapes through every sort of mask on the market today and vapes are larger than viruses. There was no panic when H1N1 killed thousands during the Obama administration. This is insane. It should stop now, but Democrats don’t want it to stop. They like bad news when they’re not controlling the White House.


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