

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Parking Garage as Antiquated as the Horseless Carriage

Editor, Self-driving cars are coming. Consider: August 2012 - Google announces completing over 300,000 accident-free autonomous-driving miles. September 2012 - California becomes the third state to legalize street...

Entrance Plan Poorly Conceived for Market Vendors

Editor, In an effort to satisfy the City Council’s requirement to make the village entrance happen, Bob Borthwick (the project’s design architect) has made our...

Soccer Parents Need Coaching in Nutrition

Editor, Youth California soccer season is in full force.  Along with shin guards and shiny uniforms, our kids are getting snacks and plenty of them. If...

Speaker’s Corner

Recapturing the Vision By Michele Hall The idea for a village entrance was first hatched way back in 1995 when the then City Council saw a...

Without Oversight for Spent Fuel

Editor, What we learned in Carlsbad on Sept. 26 at the first NRC meeting on decommissioning San Onofre is that the NRC is giving SCE...

Squeezing in More Spaces

Editor, If Laguna Beach removed all parking space lines which are now painted with extra space between the parking space lines, added parking kiosks dispensing receipts for dashboards, and let as many cars park more tightly on...

Perturbed Over Jet Exhaust

Editor, Maybe no one else in North Laguna, Mystic Hills, Temple Hills and Top of the World has noticed or cares, but the jet traffic...

Praise for Pet Parade Judges

Editor, My husband Jerry and I, with our two red Labradors, Red Waggin and Salsa Maria, attended the 17th annual Pet Parade & Chili Cookoff. We...

A Mother’s Gratitude for Expressions of Support

Editor, We, the family of Officer Jon Coutchie, would like to express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the LBPD, the LBFD, the Laguna Beach...

Agenda Lacks Breadth of its Predecessors

Editor, For decades, the city clerk has prepared a tentative agenda for upcoming City Council meetings, listing the items that are tentatively scheduled for council...

Let Those Who Pay Have a Say

Editor, The board of the Laguna North Neighborhood Organization (LANO) opposes proceeding with the village entrance project without a mandate from the voters.  t is...

Entrance is City-Funded Welfare for Businesses

Editor, I understand that the council will now be giving a period of public input on the village entrance project. Still, I believe that until...

Parking Garage Belongs at Existing Lot

Editor, It has been very amusing to read letters from the proponents of the parking structure when they use descriptive words and phrases such as...

No Consensus For Landmark Project

Editor, Two realities have become clear in regard to the parking structure and other improvements proposed for the village entrance: this is a landmark project,...

Drive a Stake Through It

Editor, Concerning the Village Entrance project:  Why? Former Mayor Neil Fitzpatrick succinctly said it all at a meeting last month when he said he’d thought...