

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

letters to the editor

Letter: Bluebird speed bump an eyesore, among other things

The city installed a “speed bump” on Bluebird Canyon Drive to respond to someone’s request for such a product on a residential street, I...
letters to the editor

Letter: Call it what it is

At Tuesday’s city council meeting, staff was directed to pursue more sites for pickleball, including the scenic picnic area directly behind the existing courts...
letters to the editor

Response to Michael Ray’s column

How does the Indy keep allowing Ray to print such inaccuracies? How do they not make him state that he was a founder of...
letters to the editor

Letter: Latest Green Light column hits home

Tom Osborne’s latest Green Light column in the Jan. 19 edition of the Indy touched upon roles individuals and city councils can play when...
letters to the editor

Letter: Bulldozed road at Top of the World

The Board of Directors of Laguna Canyon Conservancy understands that Laguna Beach City Council will meet with Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding the pole...
letters to the editor

Letter: 15 years since Obama’s first inauguration

I can't believe it will be 15 years tomorrow since Barack Obama took the oath of office.  Knowing how historic his inauguration was going...
letters to the editor

Letter: Truly missed

It was so sad to hear of the passing of Skip Hellewell. Over the past six years, I have enjoyed and looked forward to...
letters to the editor

Letter: Tips for the sewer repair crew

Dear sewer repair crew,  As we embark on the crucial task of repairing old pipes within our sewer system, it is imperative that we prioritize...
letters to the editor

Letter: Let’s understand the Brown Act better

The state government code provisions known as the Brown Act mandate open meeting decision-making as the norm, allowing closed meetings only under defined exceptions...
letters to the editor

Letter: Barbara Metzger’s recent passing leaves a hole in our hearts

Barbara Metzger’s recent passing has left a hole in the hearts of many. Barbara loved Laguna and showed it by giving her time and energy...
letters to the editor

Letter: Laguna’s ocean water quality is a public priority

On Wednesday, Nov. 29, approximately 95,000 gallons of raw sewage spilled out along our coastline areas from Laguna Avenue to Blue Lagoon. With the...
letters to the editor

Letter: A Roundup response

In his defense of glyphosate as non-carcinogenic in last week’s Indy, Mr. Reed offers very sweeping conclusions but no evidence in his column. He...
letters to the editor

Letter: LBUSD, why the rush to approve unpopular facilities master plan?

There was a LBUSD board meeting on Nov. 16 that received no media coverage; it should have. Ostensibly, the meeting was to provide an...
letters to the editor

Letter: Frimond for city manager

Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frimond, born and raised in Laguna Beach, should be on the shortlist of candidates for our new city manager. That is,...
letters to the editor

Letter: Weiss deserves his day in court

In America, everyone is entitled to defend themselves and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.  So when I see residents wanting to act as the...